Sunday, 8 July 2012

Thing 5  - Reflective Practice

My approach to reflective practice - in all honesty, it's something I haven't put quite as much thought in to as I should. It needs to improve! Having to think carefully about this has led me to the conclusion that I really need to create  more of an online presence for myself. My Twitter account for example, has become a bit of a mish mash of personal ramblings, messages to friends, and the odd library-related tweet! In this respect, I want to give my Twitter account a bit more focus career-wise!
I would like to give this blog a little more care and attention too. I feel it would be a waste to just leave it hovering in cyberspace once I had completed CPD23. It will take some time getting into a routine with it, but I feel it's a good habit to have - it will teach me to continue with self-reflection as I progress in my career.
Thing 4 ....  Twitter/ RSS/ Storify

I have used Twitter for a while now. Although I don't tweet as often as I should, I look at it regularly, following various journalists, librarians, and a few institutions and organisations. There are always tweets to interesting articles and news features, and I feel it helps keep me up to date with library updates and news in general. 

RSS - I have now subscribed for a few RSS feeds for various library related sites, and it's good for having this information in one place. Whether I would use it regularly is another question, as I get a lot of library info coming through on Twitter, which I check frequently. 

Storify - This seems a really fun, neat website. Unfortunately, I don't have a story or idea to pitch yet! This is something I want to come back to, and work with in more detail.